Some people will say that print is dead. Everything is on television now, and even more so online. While their statement may have a seed of truth, they are far from fully correct, as they have never read one of the newspapers that Rochester has to offer. Rochester newspapers are accessible, informative and leave one feeling fulfilled when it comes to reading the latest news. For your options, you really only have two specifically Rochester NY newspapers that you need to worry about.
1. The Democrat and Chronicle
This first choice is your paid option for all encompassing news in Rochester, the surrounding area, and even national and global coverage. For just 13 dollars a month you can get access to the full digital edition of the newspaper daily. Or, you have several price points if you want the print version delivered to your door, but that subscription also comes with the daily digital copy as well.
For overall news coverage, the Democrat and Chronicle is your only choice. They offer exactly what you want and expect when it comes to a newspaper. You get local news, business, global, entertainment, sports and much more. There is nothing more satisfying than sitting out on the porch with the print edition of the best Rochester newspapers around, a steaming cup of coffee, and the sun coming up to start the day. The Democrat and Chronicle fulfills that need, and it always has the latest news for its readers.
2. City Newspaper
This other of the the Rochester newspapers is the free option. This paper gets much more personal with Rochester, devoting its entire contents to everything Rochester, and not worrying about anything else. Like mentioned above, the Democrat and Chronicle is the perfect paper when you want all encompassing news coverage, but if you are looking for Roc specific news, then the City Newspaper is your best bet.
Every week the City Newspaper covers the goings on that have happened and will be happening in the near future right here in Rochester. Between food, the arts, music, business and politics, there is very little that escapes the pages of City Newspaper. And with personals, want ads, rentals and employment opportunities, there really is no reason to branch out.
Those are the two necessary reads when living here in Rochester. When read in conjunction with one another, they make for the perfect combination of news on a minute local scale, all the way up into broad global terms as well. So visit your local coffee shop, give them a good read, and then subscribe once you realize how great and informative their coverage is.