There is a wide variety of Rochester NY newspapers in circulation today. As far as Rochester newspapers go, the paper to beat is almost certainly Democrat and Chronicle, the only daily circulated newspaper for the greater Rochester area. Originally named The Balance and later called Daily Democrat, the newspaper was founded in 1833. The Democrat and Chronicle originally began as two separate Rochester newspapers, the Daily Democrat and the Chronicle, but the two merged in 1870 to become Democrat and Chronicle. The paper was acquired by Gannet Company, Inc. in 1928. Their main editorial facility was built the same year, and Democrat and Chronicle still occupies the Gannet building.
Democrat and Chronicle is delivered to over 170,000 homes and thousands more retail sites and newspaper vending machines, impressive numbers in era of ailing print media. With deep roots in Rochester itself, Democrat and Chronicle tends to dominate the print journalism scene in Rochester. As a result, other Rochester newspapers tend toward more niche interests, but offer unique perspectives on life in Rochester and Western New York in general.
Alternative Rochester newspapers include City, which is sometimes called City Newspaper. Created in 1970, City is known for leaning left of center politically, and features a website that was completely revamped in 2006. Other Rochester newspapers include publications that serve particular interests, like Rochester Business Journal which caters to area business people or Computer Link Magazine, a tech magazine that categorizes and lists Rochester WiFi hotspots.
Though student newspapers may not be seen as particularly prestigious in comparison to for profit papers or magazines, student papers often contain excellent articles practically brimming with new journalistic talent. Student Rochester newspapers include the Campus Times, published for the University of Rochester. Of the various student Rochester newspapers, one that deserves special mention is the Empty Closet Newspaper. Empty Closet Newspaper focuses on lesbian, gay and transgender issues in the Rochester community, and got its start in 1971 when it was founded by a University of Rochester student group called the Gay Liberation Front. It eventually went on to be published by the Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley. As a result, Empty Closet Newspaper is the longest running continually published newspaper focusing on LBGT issues not only in Rochester, but in all of New York State. It serves as a testament to the fact that even the humblest student newspaper can make a long lasting impact.