Realize Your Potential With Rochester Newspapers

Rochester ny newspaper

It is six in the morning. You have a pot of coffee brewing and you just stepped out of the shower. As you begin to get dressed, you notice a stream of sunlight pouring into your room and smile at what the day could bring. Since this is Rochester NY and the weather is as inconsistent as your new high school intern, you do not allow yourself to get to accustomed to the sun of this Tuesday morning. Instead, you grab one of the Rochester newspapers you have a subscription to and unfold it to the weather section before deciding on short or long sleeves.

Your Rochester newspaper informs you that your city will see a high of 72 degrees. Short sleeves it is. By the time you finish getting dressed, your coffeepot is brimming with rich Colombian Arabica, so you pour some into your favorite Rochester NY newspaper themed mug. With an hour and a half before you need to be to work, you decide to sit down and enjoy the unexpected blessing of time.

Scanning through your selection of Rochester newspapers, your eye is caught by a compelling front page article about how Governor Andrew Cuomo has planned a tax free New York State. Setting aside the other Rochester newspapers for later, you turn to page 23 B and fully dive into the good news. The Rochester newspapers article explains how Governor Cuomo is setting up the stage for tax free communities across New York State, with special consideration given to Upstate NY.

You take a small sip of coffee, and revel in its accompanying “aah” of satisfaction. Once you finish the article, you set it, open, atop of the other Rochester NY newspapers on your kitchen table and consider that coffee shop you have been always wanted to open. Now would certainly seem the best time to get on that, with a tax free incentive on and around SUNY college campuses.

Looking at your watch, you realize you must have been lost in thought for longer than expected. Folding up the paper, you straighten up the Rochester newspapers sprawled across the table and dump the rest of your coffee into a travel mug as you walk out to your car. Driving to work, you thank yourself for being subscribed to Rochester newspapers and begin brainstorming names for your coffee shop.